Carnivore or Omnivore?
Raw meat and vegetables have fully digestible proteins, essential fatty acids, natural antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and live enzymes. These enzymes are what your dog needs to properly digest it’s food. This is similar to what the dogs ancestors (the wolf) would have eaten. The same foods that the dog was designed to digest for optimal health.
Your domestic dog is from the “Canis Lupus Familiaris” the common ancestor for all dog breeds is the gray wolf from the same family “Canis Lupus”. Their internal anatomy and physiology is designed to eat meat. Short digestive tract, jagged teeth for ripping and cutting and powerful up and down moving jaws (unlike the herbivore, who’s jaws go side to side for breaking down vegetation).
Dogs can survive being scavenging carnivores but make no doubt about it your dog thrives as an opportunistic carnivore. A diet high in protein is easily digested which will provide the most energy and optimum nutrition. For these carnivores the duty of digesting carbohydrates is left to the pancreas (so often these days we hear of a dog having a pancreatic attack).
Raw meat is the best source of quickly digested nutrients. When the carnivore eats an animal, it consumes meat, bone and organ. It will also take in a small amount of green vegetation that it did not shake free from the animals digestive tract. This is exactly what makes a great raw diet.
The carnivore actually struggles to digest grains despite what kibble companies will have you believe. How often do you see a dog grazing in a field on grains? Let’s not deny them their natural diet any longer. Let’s provide them with a proper natural diet of meat, bones, organs and small amounts of vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and grasses to ensure optimal health.
As the saying goes… don’t mess with Mother Nature.
Frequently Asked Questions
We love educating people on feeding raw, don’t hesitate to message or call us with any of your questions.
We have always found that a healthy dog should be able to make the transition "cold turkey".
For those that feel more comfortable with a slower switch we recommend feeding one meal of your kibble and feeding the second meal of raw.
When the poops are good and consistent switch the second feeding to raw and observe the poop for consistency. Let the dogs body tell you when it is ready.
For senior, immune compromised and dogs suffering from illness, you may need a slower transition. This is a suggested transition offered by raw feeders.
- Day 1 and 2: Feed 25% raw and 75% current food.
- Day 3 and 4: Feed 50% raw and 50% current food.
- Day 5 and 6: Feed 75% raw and 25% current food.
- Day 7: 100% raw
The very best way to do this is in the fridge overnight. Always serve the liquid/juice/blood with the meat as many vital nutrients are contained in this juice. Once you become accustomed to raw feeding you will easily keep a rotation going in the fridge thawing and ready for the next day. Manufacturers suggest the human grade raw food is good for up to three to four days from thaw as per manufacturer's suggestion.
Gnawing on raw bones is very natural and enjoyable for dogs, but not every bone is safe. The benefits of raw bones is not the same for all bones. Some edible bones are rich in nutrients and can aid in dental care and digestion.
Fresh meat on the bone in natural proportions can be given as an occasional meal. An occasional chew bone or play bone can also be given in addition to a meal.
*Cooked bones should never be given and all dogs should be closely supervised with bones!
A natural biologically appropriate diet would consist of eating and fasting. A wild canine diet would naturally fast to give its immune system a chance to look after itself. It gives the immune system a break and a chance to detoxify any toxic build-up and restore balance. It really is quite healthy and some dogs still need to do this despite being fed regularly. I have noticed Huskies and Shepherds to be most prone to natural fasting.
Your dog will consume most of the moisture from the raw food and therefore does not need to drink what it used to when it consumed kibble.
Let us clear this up. Raw feeding is generally the same price as vet food or sometimes it is even less than vet food. As an example, a 50lb dog generally eats 1 pound of raw a day. We sell a pack of raw food that has four different proteins in it, has 15 - 21lb tubs for a total of30lbs.
This pack would last a 50lb dog 30 days and is $89.99 for the month.
Our raw companies only source human grade proteins. Our dogs eat what we eat and a lot of times eat even better than what we eat.
There is a chance your pet may already carry salmonella bacteria as part of their GI flora. It is found up to in up to 36% of healthy dogs. Dogs have amazing immune systems specifically designed to eat all manner of bacteria. These pathogens are found in your fridge, your sink, in your backyard, at the park and many places already. A healthy raw fed dog manages those without problems. Carnivores short digestive tracts are designed for processing raw meat and their ph value stops the pathogens from colonizing. Any bacteria left in your pet is shed through the feces.
PLEASE NOTE: The majority of human and pet salmonella cases and recalls come from handling or ingesting dry processed foods and treats.
Raw feeders tend to be much more cognizant of safety practices when dealing with raw products. Wash your hands, disinfect surfaces thoroughly clean your pets dish and keep away from small children. Just like you would do when preparing your own food.
In short, you don't shy away from eating fresh foods because we need to practice safe handling, nor should our pets be deprived
Optimal health and development.
Reduction/elimination of allergies.
Better weight control.
Improved digestion.
Better stamina and more energy.
Increased mobility in aging dogs.
Healthier, shinier skin and coat.
Cleaner teeth and fresher breath.
Smaller, less smelly and better formed stools.
Improved liver, bowel and pancreatic health.
Strengthened immune system.
Fewer appointments with the vet.
First and most important, cooked or smoked bones are dangerous and should never be given! When cooked or smoked bones become brittle the chance of them splintering into sharp shards are very high and dangerous. These hard cooked bones also increased the risk of cracking or breaking a tooth.
Gnawing on a raw meaty bones is very natural and extremely enjoyable for dogs. The shearing biting and crushing action of chewing meat and cartilage on the bone will massage and naturally clean the dogs teeth and gums. This naturally clears any residual food and tarter. Marx et al, 2016 found that adult dogs given beef bones as chews reduce dental calculus by 57% after 3 days and 82% after 12 days, with no complications such as tooth fractures or intestinal obstructions were observed.
Edible bones are rich in nutrients and aid in dental care, digestion, mental stimulation, and growth. Dogs can absolutely digest edible bones. Chicken necks for puppy's and turkey necks for larger dogs, they are a great choice to start new raw dogs on.
Fresh meat on the bone is natural proportions can be givens an occasional meal replacement.
There rarely exists a raw fed diabetic dog. Kibble fed dogs that make the switch do phenomenally well on raw diets. When transitioning the dog to raw, the dog absolutely needs to be monitored by a Veterinarian. When a kibble fed dog switches to raw, this automatically reduces the total amount of carbohydrates in the diet and therefore immediately reduces the amount of insulin required. This again can be done but definitely needs to be monitored by your Veterinarian.
Dogs can vomit if the food is too cold or they ate too quickly. Make sure it is fully thawed.
When switching your dog from over processed synthetic food to a live raw diet, the dog can go through a detox process. The ph balance needs to adjust, the gut biome has to re-establish and they need to mobilize toxins that have been stored in the cells of their bodies. This rarely can show up as an upset tummy, runny eyes, itchy skin, smelly breath and pimples when detoxifying. A healthier balance takes time for dogs that have poor gut health and a slower transition can help these dogs. A good pre and pro biotic with digestive enzyme can often help with this transition issue as well. Adored Beast Healthy Gut or our raw fermented goats milk are quite helpful if having these issues.
Yes absolutely, they thrive on raw and the transition can take place at any time. More and more breeders are seeing the healthy benefits of raw and are weaning their puppies straight to raw, just like the wolf pups would experience in the wild.
Cats are obligate carnivores which means they need a higher protein requirement than other mammals. Cats also hate change and seem to imprint on the food that they were first fed as a kitten.
For best results when trying to transition a cat, feed 1/4 of the new food and mix with 3/4 of the old food. Slowly increase the percentage of new food until you are feeding full raw. Remember to go slow or the cat will let you know this will not be acceptable. If you still have issues you can slightly cook the raw food (only those proteins with calcium carbonate, NOT with bone). Then slowly decrease the cook until raw.
Another transition trick is to mix tuna in with the raw and decrease until straight raw. If your cat is healthy you can safely fast your cat for a day and then offer raw (always have fresh water available for your cat).
If the butcher has more blood, it will get added back and the meat will be darker. If the butcher has less blood it will be lighter. The moisture content can also change if the ingredients naturally have extra moisture, there is no way to remove that, nor do you want them to as nutrients reside in that moisture.
No food colouring or preservatives are used in the meat to change the look of the natural meat.
All the ingredients for our raw companies come from federal or provincial inspected slaughter houses.
Raw dog food is human grade, hormone free and antibiotic-free. Any pet food meats not meeting human grade standards goes to pet feed. The rendered pet feed (meat meal) can be made from rancid, dirty, adulterated, road kill, dead, diseased, decaying or dying animals. The most disturbing of all ... we can't even locate any regulation forbidding the use of euthanized pets in commercial dog food. The FDA said "they were shocked that pentobarbital, a drug used to euthanize animals, has been found in many major pet foods (such as Purina, ProPlan and Hills)".
As per v-dog.com article, The FDA stated "they assume it was from rendered cattle or horses even though the drug is used to euthanize dogs and cats". Either way that is not what I want my dog or cat consuming.
Sanimal Inc. here in Quebec Canada before 2001 used to process 18200kg of dead cats and dogs every week. They stopped accepting the carcasses of cats, dogs, sheep and roadkill animals to make their meat meal used in their kibble due to "public image". This was a huge concern for veterinarians and pet shelters that would send these animals to the rendering plants for a small fee.
We are always right here to answer your questions and concerns. We really do care about your pets and see this as our mission.
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Raw Feeding Chart